Federal Wage and Hour Law
Feb. 3, 1941 The Supreme Court agrees on the Federal Wage and Hour law, setting the minimum wages and maximum hours.

Nov. 26, 1941 President Franklin Roosevelt established the fourth Thursday in Nov. as the national Thanksgiving holiday.

Equal Pay
Sep. 25, 1942 Women received equal pay in U.S

Dec. 21, 1942 Divorces granted in Nev. must be recognized in all states say U.S. Supreme Court.

Federal Income Tax Begins
1942 U.S. Supreme Court rules that working class Americans must pay federal income tax.

Wage Increases Limited
1942 Wage increases were limited to keep prices from soaring during the war.

Nix on the Opium Poppy
1942 The U.S. Congress prohibits growing of the opium poppy.

Daylight Savings Time/War Time
Feb. 9, 1942 Franklin D. Roosevelt reinstated daylight savings time. Clocks were pushed 1 hour ahead. It was known as “War Time.”

Price Controls
Oct. 3, 1942 President Roosevelt authorizes controls on rents, wages and salaries, and prices.

WPA Ends
Dec. 4, 1942 The Works Project Administration (WPA) that provided jobs during the depression ends.

4 Hour Work Week
Feb. 9, 1943 A 4 hour work week in war industry went into effect.

Do Not Have to Salute the Flag
June 14, 1943 The Supreme Court rules that schoolchildren do not have to salute the flag of the U.S.

Income Tax
July 1, 1943 Income tax withholding began.

Curfew on Places of Entertainment
Feb. 26, 1945 Midnight curfew on bars and other places of entertainment went into effect. It was lifted May 9, 1945.

Illegal to Chew Tobacco
1945 It was illegal to chew tobacco in any U.S. federal building.

Minimum Hourly Wage
1945 Federal hourly minimum wage was set at 40 cents an hour.